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Ore Farming - Mining for Specialist Perfections

Ore Farming is a new alternative for those who enjoy stone farming to obtain specialist perfections.


Keep in mind that the loot obtained won't be overly powerful, so please avoid suggesting loot increases—after all, it's meant for farming with lowest effort. That said, we still welcome your feedback on balanced improvements and ideas for expanding stone-related content!

We've introduced a new NPC in the Stone Hub who can teleport you to the Ore Hub.

Once there, you'll encounter two different maps:

[Basic and Medium Ores] and [Hard Ores], with an Ore Exchanger NPCs located in the center of the hub.

[Basic and Medium Ores]

In the Basic and Medium Ores map, you can farm SP1 to SP8 ores. They're guaranteed to drop ImageOre of the Specialist Stone you kill and Image Golden Ore with a 5% chance.


SP1 to SP8 Stones have 1,000,000 HP (1M HP).
You must have stone type equipment to be able to deal damage.

[Hard Ores]

In the [Hard Ores] map, you can farm SP9 to SP11 ores. They're guaranteed to drop ImageOre of the Specialist Stone you kill and Image Golden Ore with a 12% chance for SP9 and SP10 Ores and a 20% chance for SP11 Ore .

However, to access the [Hard Ores] map, you need a ImagePremium Stone Area Pass (Permanent), that is obtainable in our Void Shop.


SP9 to SP10 Stones have 4,500,000 HP (4.5M HP).
SP11 Stones have 10,000,000 HP (10M HP).
You must have stone type equipment to be able to deal damage.

Exchange and Craft


The list only shows 1x Exchange NPC, you can also find 20x Exchange NPC to exchange your materials faster!

You can use Ore materials in following exchanges:

Material NameAmountCraft/Exchange Name
ImageSP1 Ore 1 ImageSmall Ruby of Completion 150x
ImageSP1 Ore 1 ImageSmall Sapphire of Completion 150x
ImageSP2 Ore 1 ImageSmall Obsidian of Completion 150x
ImageSP2 Ore 1 ImageSmall Topaz of Completion 150x
ImageSP2 Ore 1 ImageSmall Sapphire of Completion 150x
ImageSP3 Ore 1 ImageSmall Ruby of Completion 150x
ImageSP3 Ore 1 ImageSmall Sapphire of Completion 150x
ImageSP3 Ore 1 ImageSmall Topaz of Completion 150x
ImageSP4 Ore 1 ImageSmall Topaz of Completion 150x
ImageSP4 Ore 1 ImageSmall Obisidian of Completion 150x
ImageSP5 Ore 1 ImageRuby of Completion 150x
ImageSP6 Ore 1 ImageSapphire of Completion 150x
ImageSP7 Ore 1 ImageObisidian of Completion 150x
ImageSP8 Ore 1 ImageTopaz of Completion 150x
ImageSP9 Ore 1 ImageOrc Hero's Jewel 150x
ImageSP10 Ore 1 ImageAncient Magic Dragon Crystal 150x
ImageSP11 Ore 1 ImageRich Energy Source 75x
Image Golden Ore 1 Image Perfection 1x
Image Golden Ore 1 Image Jewels Bag 1x
Image Golden Ore 1 Image Perfection Bag 1x
Image Golden Ore 1 Image Rich Energy Perfection Bag 1x
Image Golden Ore 100 Image Steve [Title] 1x
Image Golden Ore andImageGreen Dragon Stone 15 and 30 ImageAccessory Upgrade Dust 5x
Image Golden Ore andImageRed Dragon Stone 15 and 30 ImageMask and Hat Upgrade Dust 5x
Image Golden Ore andImageYellow Dragon Stone 15 and 30 ImageResistance Upgrade Dust 5x


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